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Biodigester technology


Human waste disposal in innocuous form is an ever growing problem leading to aesthetic nuisance, threat of organic pollution & several infectious diseases in epidemic proportions due to contamination of ground water and drinking water resources in highly populated and developing countries, like India. Less than 30% of Indians have access to the toilets. In rural areas about 10% of houses have toilets and rest of the people go to open defecation. Population in the cities although have better access to the toilets but only to the tune of ~70%. Untreated waste is responsible for several diseases like, dysentery, diarrhoea, amoebiasis, viral hepatitis, cholera, typhoid etc. taking the life of lakhs of children annually.

Biodigester technology has been developed by Defence Research Development Organisation (DRDO) for resolving the problems of un-decomposed human waste. The innovation degrades and converts the human waste into usable water and gasses in an eco-friendly manner. The generated gas can be utilized for energy/ cooking and water for irrigation purposes.

The process involves the bacteria which feed upon the faecal matter inside the tank, through anaerobic process which finally degrades the matter and releases methane gas that can be used for cooking, along with the treated water.

Salient Features

  • No bad smell in toilets from the tanks
  • Faecal matter in the tank not visible
  • No infestation of cockroaches & flies
  • No clogging of digester
  • Effluent is free from off odour and solid waste
  • Reduction in pathogens by 99%
  • Reduction in organic matter by 90%
  • No maintenance required
  • No requirement of adding bacteria/ enzyme
  • No need of removal of solid waste
  • Use of phenyl is permitted upto 84 ppm

Available models

The following models are available

  • Microbial inoculum (cold-active)
    • Isolated, screened, selected and enriched through acclimatization and bio-augmentation
    • Can withstand freezing and thawing
    • Ability to inactivate the intestinal pathogens
  • High altitute model
    • Material: Metal/FRP of cylindrical shape
    • Works at low temperature as well as high temperature
  • Glacier model
    • Material: Metal/FRP of cylindrical shape
    • Provided with insulation and heating arrangement with solar system
  • Plain area model
    • Material: Material: FRP/MS
    • Suitable for existing/independent toilet
    • Also available with top mounted toilets
    • Can be installed for single house/apartment/society/ community
  • Island model
    • Material: FRP
    • Design involves longer path for treatment
    • Suitable for high water usages and areas with high water table
  • Biotank model
    • Low cost, simple design for onsite construction
    • Material: Brick / RCC structure/ FRP
    • REED BED SYSTEM (optional) improves effluent quality & can also be used to treat kitchen and bathroom waste water
    • Final effluent safe and can be used for recycling or irrigation
    • Can be installed for single house/ apartment/society /community

For more information, visit http://drdoficciatac.com/Biodigester/aboutus.asp

Source : http://drdoficciatac.com/Biodigester/aboutus.asp

Related Resources

  1. Biodigestor (Green toilet) technology for eco-friendly disposal of human waste under different conditions
  2. Licensee list of Biodigester toilets

ಕೊನೆಯ ಮಾರ್ಪಾಟು : 4/6/2022

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